StarBarre Harmony
Yellow Journey - Holistic
The 2 Stars Sequence Page

The 2 Star Yellow sequence travels through full-body standing functional human movements and stretches, focusing on holistic movement elements.
See detailed exercise instructions in the Master Manual.
Practice the short video of your current sequence daily.
SKIP any exercise if painful or uncomfortable.
Once the sequence exercises become easy, progress to the next star level.
The short sequence video is for daily home practice.
The long sequence video is for studio practice with an instructor.
The only difference between the two videos is the number of repetitions.
Tap on the individual exercises below to practice the exercises one by one.
If you do not have a StarBarre Device, use a kitchen counter, windowsill or balcony rail.
If necessary, seek professional advise to use these exercises as part of a rehabilitation program.
Yellow Journey - 2 Stars

Sequence Videos
Home Video
Studio Video
Exercise Pages