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Зеленый (верхняя часть тела) Путешествие

Последовательность 1 звезды

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Exercise 3 (3a Easy)


ПРОПУСТИТЕ это упражнение, если вам больно или неудобно

Следуйте инструкциям по дыханию на экране Вдох выдох

Нажмите на'Следующий'для следующего упражнения (недоступно в полноэкранном режиме)

  • Изучите и следуйте приведенным ниже инструкциям по упражнению.

  • Выполняйте это упражнение ежедневно как часть своей последовательности. 

  • Выполняйте это упражнение только в безболезненных и комфортных диапазонах.

  • При необходимости обратитесь за профессиональной консультацией для использования в рамках программы реабилитации.

Научилсяон Упражнение

3a Easy is a very important exercise to prevent upper limb osteoporosis, strengthen the arms and abdominals and train body stabilization and coordination.

This exercise has a wide range of difficulty levels. The easiest level is comfortable and safe for beginners and rehabilitation clients, while the difficult levels are designed to challenging even for well-trained athletes.


  • Move - stretch - return - relax -...

StarBarre Position

  • Waist height

  • Easier- Stand closer and raise bar higher (no higher than chest height).

  • More difficult - stand further away and lower bar.

Breathing Pattern

  • Inhale - Starting position.

  • Exhale - Movement, stretch and return phases. Enhance exhalation during the return phase.

  • Inhale - Relax phase.

Starting Position

  • Lean with extended arms on bar.

  • Place feet about 2 steps back and straighten the lilted body line.

  • The body-line is straight and symmetric. Don't allow it to arc up or down any direction.

  • Stand on the balls of the feet, but keep the heels as low as possible, close to the floor.

  • For this, keep the calf muscles relaxed in their long position - not actively on tiptoes (common issue).

  • Use the abdominal muscles to prevent sagging of the body-line.

  • Keep the shoulders wide and low, and the neck long (no chin tucking or poking).

  • relax the fingers on the bar.

  • Inhale.

Movement Phase

  • While exhaling and maintaining the straight line of the body, flex the elbows and extend the shoulders to tilt the body line further forward.

  • Keep calf muscles relaxed and heels as low as possible to the floor while rising with the movement.

  • Keep the elbows facing down and the arms close to the body. Don't allow the arms to abduct for the movement (common issue).

Stretch Phase

  • Continue exhaling and maintain this low position for up to 1 second.

Return Phase

  • Enhance the exhalation while extending the elbows and flexing the shoulders together, to return the body to the starting position.

  • Ensure that the body-line remains straight, and the pelvis and spine are neutral with the movement.

Relax Phase

  • Inhale and assume the standing posture.

  • Relax in that position for up to a second and gear the body for the next repetition.

© 2022 Клуб упражнений StarBarre

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