아프거나 불편하면 이 운동을 건너뛰십시오.
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탭'다음'다음 연습을 위해(전체 화면에서는 사용할 수 없음)
노란색(총체적) 여정
하모니 시퀀스
아래 운동 지침을 배우고 따르십시오.
이 연습을 시퀀스의 일부로 매일 연습하십시오.
통증이 없고 편안한 범위에서만 이 운동을 수행하십시오.
가능하지 않다면,건너뛰다이 운동을 하고 물리 치료사 또는 운동 전문가와 상의하십시오.
관련이 있는 경우 이 운동이 외과의의 수술 후 프로토콜 내에 있는지 확인하십시오.
운동 배우기
3a is a very important exercise to prevent upper limb osteoporosis, strengthen the arms and abdominals and train body stabilization and coordination.
This exercise has a wide range of difficulty levels. The easiest level is comfortable and safe for beginners and rehabilitation clients, while the difficult levels are designed to challenging even for well-trained athletes.
Move - stretch - return - relax -...
StarBarre Position
Waist height
Easier- Stand closer and raise bar higher (no higher than chest height).
More difficult - stand further away and lower bar.
Breathing Pattern
Inhale - Starting position.
Exhale - Movement, stretch and return phases. Enhance exhalation during the return phase.
Inhale - Relax phase.
Starting Position

Lean with extended arms on bar.
Place feet about 2 steps back and straighten the lilted body line.
The body-line is straight and symmetric. Don't allow it to arc up or down any direction.
Stand on the balls of the feet, but keep the heels as low as possible, close to the floor.
For this, keep the calf muscles relaxed in their long position - not actively on tiptoes (common issue).
Use the abdominal muscles to prevent sagging of the body-line.
Keep the shoulders wide and low, and the neck long (no chin tucking or poking).
relax the fingers on the bar.
Movement Phase

While exhaling and maintaining the straight line of the body, flex the elbows and extend the shoulders to tilt the body line further forward.
Keep calf muscles relaxed and heels as low as possible to the floor while rising with the movement.
Keep the elbows facing down and the arms close to the body. Don't allow the arms to abduct for the movement (common issue).
Stretch Phase

Continue exhaling and maintain this low position for up to 1 second.
Return Phase

Enhance the exhalation while extending the elbows and flexing the shoulders together, to return the body to the starting position.
Ensure that the body-line remains straight, and the pelvis and spine are neutral with the movement.
Relax Phase

Inhale and assume the standing posture.
Relax in that position for up to a second and gear the body for the next repetition.