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דלגו על תרגיל זה אם גורם לכאב או אי נוחות

עקבו אחר הוראות הנשימה על המסך שאיפה נשיפה

לעבור לתרגיל הבא הקישו על  "הבא' (לא זמין במסך מלא)

המסלול הצהוב (הוליסטי)

3 כוכבים - תרגילי הרצף

Three stars_edited_edited.png

Exercise 5 2c

  • למדו את התרגיל ופעלו לפי הוראות התרגיל שלהלן.

  • תרגלו תרגיל זה מדי יום כחלק מהרצף הנוכחי. 

  • בצע את התרגיל הזה רק בטווחים נטולי כאבים ונוחים.

  • במידת הצורך, פנה לייעוץ מקצועי לשימוש כחלק מתוכנית שיקום.

למדו את התרגיל


6a trains the very important basic functional movement of flexing the entire vertebral column one vertebra after another, and then returning harmoniously to the upright standing position.

Harmonious pain free performance of this exercise attests to a healthy functioning spine, while practicing this move daily aims to further improve the spinal function and to help prevent pack pain caused by using uncontrolled impaired movements for regular daily functions.

Bar Position

  • Waist height


  • Move - stretch - return - relax -...

Breathing pattern

  • Inhale - Starting position.

  • Long exhale - Movement, stretch and return phases.

  • Inhale - Relax phase.

Starting Position

  • Harmonious upright standing, as tall as possible.

  • Ensure:

  • A long neck, and eyes looking towards the horizon.

  • The entire spine and pelvis are in the neutral position.

  • The shoulders are placed down and back.

  • The arms are relaxed by the side of the body. Fingers are also relaxed.

  • Inhale.

Movement Phase

  • Upon exhalation, start by tucking in the chin (upper cervical flexion) and starting to flex the elbows at the same time.

  • Continue both movements simultaneously.

  • Flex the spine vertebra after vertebra from top to bottom while reaching the bar with the relaxed palms.

  • Keep the body balanced and the elbows 'soft'.

  • To harmonize the movement, avoid additional thoracic flexion.

  • Emphasize lumbar flexion and upper cervical flexion.

  • Cue: Try to bring the forehead to the knees.

Stretch Phase

  • Continue the exhalation.

  • Maintain this balanced flexed posture for about a second.

  • The eyes are looking just above the knees.

  • Emphasize the lumbar flexion stretch with pelvic posterior rotation.

  • Keep the body balanced and the shoulders, elbows and fingers relaxed.

Return Phase

  • Increase the exhalation and extend the spine from bottom to top, vertebra after vertebra.

  • Start with increasing the exhalation and rotating the pelvis with the abdominal muscles.

  • It is okay to push downwards with the hands on the bar to assist in starting this movement.

  • As the movement progresses, let go of the bar and gradually bring the arms to the sides of the body.

  • Time the body and arm movements to reach the starting position at the same time.

Relax Phase

  • Assume the balanced upright standing posture.

  • Inhale.


  • Place hands on bar for the entire exercise.

  • If necessary, reduce the range to prevent pain or discomfort.

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