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Harmony Academy

Module 2 - Background, Principles and Structure


StarBarre Harmony Principles


StarBarre Harmony merges physical therapy thinking with holistic philosophy to form a progressive mind-body exercise method for people who are generally healthy or recovering from injury alike.

The method's exercise video structure provides a starting point to all levels of functional ability, and a clear path to an ongoing healthy and active lifestyle.


The creation of this method was inspired by the wisdom and exercises of​ J.P. Muller (Denmark), Oddvar Holten (Norway), Minnie Randell (England), Joseph Pilates (Germany, USA), Margaret Morris (Scotland, England), Moshe Feldenkreiz (Israel) as well as the methods of Ballet, Tai Chi, yoga, CoreAlign® by Balanced Body Inc., and the universal dog and cat multi-daily stretch routine.

The holistic philosophy is based on the notion that practicing a short daily sequence of accurate and functional movements and stretches is critical to maintaining a lifetime of normal physical function. Because functional movement is never perfect, everyone can and should improve for their own benefit. The StarBarre Harmony challenge is therefore to facilitate a short practice of harmonious functional movements and relevant situations every day before they occur, so users will be at the top of their game, and healthy.

To reach this level, and for the the short daily practice at home (5-15 minutes) to become enjoyable and effective, users are mentored by the system's guides and tutorials as well as optional online or physical StarBarre Harmony Master sessions.

The essence of the method is the combination of learning a sequence of normal functional movement exercises at the highest level possible and practicing the sequence daily at home for a few minutes. As the sequence exercises become easy (with daily home practice), users progress to learn and practice the next functional level, and so forth.

The full-body mind-body exercises are designed to address everyday movement nags and snags, enhance physical and athletic performance, and provide a degree of protection from further injury and diseases while conducting a healthy active lifestyle.

The sequences consist of functional movements and stretches, which are regularly used, or might be used in daily life. Therefore, learning the exercises and making them easy (by practice) makes life in general easier.

Once the exercises are harmonious at 6 star level, the user needs only practice for a pleasurable 7 minutes a day to maintain and continuously further her or his mind-body harmony.

The StarBarre Harmony 'few minutes a day' practice of natural movements and stretches is not a replacement for any sporting activities but rather a critical supplement. To lead a healthy active lifestyle, it is also recommended to do at least 30 minutes of (any) fun pain-free aerobic sport every day, and to eat modest quantities of a well-balanced diet.

SBH Priciples
E Principles

Exercise Principles

Functional Purpose

  • All Harmony exercises contain critical functional elements, i.e. elements that are normal for typical or expected human daily function.

    • For example: Exercise 1a contains elements of walking, 8b contains elements of pushing a cart, 5c contains elements of throwing, 10c contains elements of lifting a heavy object. 11c contains elements of running.

  • For this reason, exercises without an explicit functional propose (like handstands) are not acceptable as a StarBarre Harmony exercise despite other possible virtues.


The Exercise Chain

  • Each exercise of the Harmony sequence 34 exercises (Except for Good Vibrations) is part of a of an exercise chain, consisting of three exercise: a, b and c.

    • Exercise ‘a’ in the chain is a basic functional movement.

    • Exercise ‘b’ a functional progression to ‘a’.

    • Exercise ‘c’ a functional progression to ‘b’.

  • For example: Chain 1 Exercises 1a, 1b, 1c.


Exercise Postures and Movements

  • Starting Position

    • Usually, the starting position is the upright standing position, with arms relaxed by the body, looking at the horizon.

      • The distance of standing from the barre depends upon the exercise.

  • Movement

    • Harmonious movement requires complex multiple full body actions as well as breathing in perfect timing. For example, in Exercise 1a the central area stabilizes the posture while the distant ankle and knee movement move the upright body forward and backward.

    • All movement components of the full-body start moving at the same time, work in harmonious coordination during the movement and end moving at the same time.

    • When the complex movement phase is precise, the body reaches the stretch accurately and efficiently.

  • Stretch

    • A full body action:

      • When one area is being stretched, another area is stabilizing the stretch, and another area is relaxing in good posture.

      • The stretch should last for about one second. As soon as the correct stretch is felt, it is time to release and start the return phase.

        • Like a natural dog or cat stretch, performed multiple times a day.

      • Some exercises involve simultaneous stretches in multiple joints, like exercise 6c.

      • In some exercises the stretch is maintained during movement, for example exercise 8c (circumduction) and 2b (vertebral ‘wave’).

      • In some exercises the starting position involves some sort of stretch, like 4b and 4c.

  • Return

    • Usually the movement phase in reverse.

    • The purpose is to return to the starting position harmoniously to complete the exercise cycle.

    • Once back at the starting position, movement is paused for a second in this position to relax and prepare for next repetition (climatic meditation).


  • As with all mind-body methods, StarBarre Harmony regards breathing as a primal element of movement harmony, responsible for all its subsequent benefits.

  • While performing the Harmony sequence, users experience a holistic journey of practicing a wide variation of breathing patterns (and emotions) within the time space of a few minutes:

    • Easy exhale 1a

    • Moderate exhale 4a

    • Vigorous exhale 4c

    • Prolonged exhale 1b

    • Karate style exhale 3c

    • Extra heavy load exhale 10c

    • Big inhale 8c

    • Free breathing with movement 9b 

Body Lines

  • Learning, identifying, and practicing the Harmony exercise body lines is the easiest way to understand how the body moves mechanically in the most efficient, safe and clever way.


  • Synchronized timing of trunk and all limb movements, together with accurate breathing are essential for a movement to be harmonious.

  • In all StarBarre exercises, all the movement elements start, move and end the exercise cycles together.


  • The tempo is equal between the four movement stages – Move, stretch, return, relax (starting position). It is good to practice with suitable music to train the desired cyclical beat of movement.

Harmonizing Movements

  • During all stages of the exercise, users should avoid over-robotizing the movement. Instead, the areas which are required to be relaxed (for example, the shoulders) are relaxed in the correct posture, and grace, beauty, strength, and natural confidence are added in to the movement.

Sequence Progression System

Training for Rehabilitation (1-3 Stars) 

When training for rehabilitation, the exercises sequences differ according to their anatomical focus (journey color) and functional degree (star level). The challenge is to master the current sequence exercises harmoniously without pain or discomfort, in order to progress to the next star level of the journey. Because 3 star sequences include exercises at the level of normal function, mastering this sequence indicates the end of the rehabilitation process.

Clinical Goals

  • Change the physical and mental dynamics of injury towards improvement.

  • Return to normal daily function without pain or discomfort.

  • Provide a home tool to prevent or minimize recurrence. 

  • Encourage discharged clients to continue practicing the StarBarre Harmony yellow (holistic) journey (Star levels 4-10) as people who are generally healthy.









There are 9 rehabilitation sequences, differentiated according to their anatomical focus and functionality levels. Tap on star level to open sequence page and view the exercises.


Blue Journey – Lower body

  • To address lower limb, pelvic and lower spine movement issues.

Green Journey – Upper body

  • To address upper limb, scapular and upper spine movement issues.

Yellow Journey – Holistic

  • To address body spanning movement issues.

1 Star sequences

  • Basic level functional movements.

  • Pain-free training for people with acute movement issues.

2 Star sequences

  • Intermediate level functional movements.

  • Pain-free training for people with sub-acute movement issues.

3 Star sequences

  • Normal level functional movements.

  • Pain-free training for people with mild or no movement issues.

Training for lifestyle (4-10 Stars) 

4 Star challenge - learn each of the 34 Harmony sequence exercises, and to practice performing them harmoniously.

5 Star level challenge - perform the Harmony sequence in 45 minutes (4 repetitions each exercise)

6 Star level challenge - perform the Harmony sequence harmoniously in 7 minutes (1 repetition each exercise)

7 Star level challenge - perform the 6 Star sequence harmoniously every day for 1 week (7 minutes a day).

8 Star level challenge - perform the 6 Star sequence harmoniously every day for 1 month (7 minutes a day).

9 Star level challenge - perform the 6 Star sequence harmoniously every day for 1 year (7 minutes a day).

10 Star level challenge - perform the 6 Star sequence harmoniously every day for 5 years (7 minutes a day).







Tap on star level to open sequence page and view the exercises​​

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Six star.png
Sequence progression

Become a StarBarre Harmony Master

Master Roadmap

  1. Learn and practice the exercises daily until 6 Star level is reached, according to instructions in Module 1.

  2. Submit a video of you performing the 6 Star sequence (7 minutes), according to instructions in Module 2.

  3. Pass a short oral test - 3 questions from material in both modules.​

  4. Practice the 6 Star sequence once a day (at least).


Master Training Program 

  1. Administration, registration and certification

  2. A StarBarre Device

  3. Access to all learning material and online content

  4. Master mentorship and online support 

  5. Help with final video submission

  6. Help with preparation for oral test


Master Business Opportunities

  1. Teach StarBarre Harmony sequences to your clients (online or physical classes).

  2. Reach new worldwide audiences for online classes.

  3. Create, post and sell online content on our site.​

  4. Receive affiliate income when your clients purchase StarBarre devices​ and/or online content

Become a Master
Further reading

Copyright©2024 by Jonathan Hoffman, P.T.

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